When was the last time you visited your dentist? We’re hoping you’re going at least every six months, which is actually the recommendation from the American Dental Association. No, it’s not just a ploy for your dentist to make more money off of you. Honestly, it’s important to keep those teeth and gums as healthy as possible with daily brushing and flossing.

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Did you know that you may have occlusion and not even know it? To be honest, it isn’t uncommon that either yourself or a loved one may have occlusal problems. In simple terms, “occlusion” is the way your upper and bottom teeth make contact either when chewing, talking or even when your mouth is at rest.

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Are you tired of remembering to bring your CPAP machine with you on vacations or short trips to visit family and friends? If you suffer from sleep apnea & snoring, you're all too familiar with the constant struggle with this machine and the embarrassment that may come with using it. However, you know that is it vital to ensuring you are consistently breathing throughout the night. If you are interested in learning about alternative ways to treat sleep apnea that may not require a breathing machine, keep reading.

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If you are experiencing tooth loss, serious tooth decay or advanced gum disease, you may be a candidate for dentures. Hopefully you’ve already been conducting research into the types of dentures that are available. One of the many questions you may have in addition to the cost of dentures might include discovering the difference between implant and conventional dentures. It’s a good question to ask and one we’d like to help answer for you.

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How many times have you looked at old or even recent photographs or looked in a mirror to be disappointed and over-critical of your smile. Would you believe me if I told you that you aren’t alone? Every day, millions of Americans and thousands here in the St. Louis area wish they could do something to improve the look of their smile. Damage to your teeth may have been caused at a younger age due to an accident or improper dental hygiene. For others, it was just inevitable that teeth were not going to be perfect – and that is the case for most of us. The good news? You can do something about it with a cosmetic dentistry makeover.

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Wondering what to do if you have a missing tooth or teeth that are decaying that need to be removed? If you’re worried about your smile, then it may be time to consider the use of dental implants to revive your best feature! Dental implants are a versatile tool that can be used in many different ways to help put permanent and lasting teeth back in place. More importantly, you should have a dentist who specializes in dental implants that is from the local St. Louis area.

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If you read our earlier article on pain in your jaw, then you may be trying to determine the options for treatment of TMJ. The good news is that in most cases, TMJ can be fixed with non-surgical techniques. Typically, most people will try to treat TMJ with home remedies like cold packs and heat pads as well as over-the-counter medications to help with minor pain discomfort and swelling. Others may consider using acupuncture as a treatment option. In most cases, while these may provide temporary relief for symptoms, they will not provide permanent and lasting relief. And, that’s where our advanced dental practice comes into play.

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Many of our best times occur over good meals with good company, laughing, and telling stories about life’s greatest joys and accomplishments. We take the ability to comfortably talk, smile and eat for granted, expecting the action to be easy and natural. Unfortunately, there’s a disorder called TMJ (temporomandibular joint) that can change all of that, turning enjoyable experiences into uncomfortable ones. If you are suffering from pain in the jaw, it may be time to see a TMJ dentist.

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