How many times have you looked at old or even recent photographs or looked in a mirror to be disappointed and over-critical of your smile. Would you believe me if I told you that you aren’t alone? Every day, millions of Americans and thousands here in the St. Louis area wish they could do something to improve the look of their smile. Damage to your teeth may have been caused at a younger age due to an accident or improper dental hygiene. For others, it was just inevitable that teeth were not going to be perfect – and that is the case for most of us. The good news? You can do something about it with a cosmetic dentistry makeover.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

While cosmetic dentistry is often associated with aesthetics, it should also be associated with restorative benefits as well. Restorative dentistry would include creating a bridge to replace missing teeth, crowns assist with fixing cracks in teeth while still providing true function and fillings help with reducing and stopping tooth decay, all of which can have an effect on the cosmetic appearance of your smile. However, there are many other benefits to getting a cosmetic dentistry makeover…and here are just a few:

Improved self-confidence – This should go unsaid. When you have a smile you can be proud of, you naturally have higher self-confidence. No more hiding behind your hand when you speak or using something else to block your mouth. You can let your smile and your teeth shine!

Less stress and more relaxation – I know it sounds funny, but it’s true…when you don’t feel comfortable with your own features, you tend to tense up in social situations because you keep thinking about your smile instead of focusing on the fun that is to be had. It’s time to put yourself at ease.

Better overall health – Did you know that fixing the issues in your mouth can have an effect on other parts of your health? Many times, dental professionals can tell if there are other issues going on in your body. Moreover, good dental hygiene will prevent discomfort from gingivitis and improperly aligned jaws, muscles and teeth that could be causing headaches. Read more about other factors that could play into your overall health here.

A cosmetic dentistry makeover is an investment in your self-image and overall health. It’s important to consider all aspects of this type of procedure and talk with a qualified advanced dentist in the St. Louis Metro East area, like Dr. Breckner of Breckner Dental in Edwardsville, to help you find the best solutions to meet your dental needs.
